Thursday 25 March 2010

Good Intentions

With GCSE examinations immanent, I cant help looking into the future. Although, perhaps I should be focusing on my studies! But, for the moment anyway, I've realised something key needs to happen to direct my life. With the longest summer approaching I have ever had the pleasure of enduring, approximately 9 weeks of solitude and sunlight, Ive found something to consume my precious time. Writing. For a while now I have known two things about myself, primarily I have an obsessive love for the written word, and secondly, my desire to attend a reputable university with outstanding grades. Though the latter will almost certainly gain the majority of my attention for the next two months, and rightly so, the second shall entertain me through the warm interlude between GCSE'S and A-Level. I recently read a book, the beginning statement was that of a soldier. His declaration. And like war, though this will hopefully not be quite as destructive, it is important I enter this with a statement of intent.I wish for liberation, not conquest.This is the beginning of a 9 week long journey to improve my knowledge of the written word and stoke the embers of my creativity.